Mrs. Big Pine

Edith May Mendenhall

Originally published in the Inyo Register, January 22, 1976

In our 35 or so years in Inyo-Mono we've never found anyone any more dedicated to a community than Edith May Mendenhall was to Big Pine. This energetic young lady from Arizona got her teaching credential at the old normal school that is now USC in Los Angeles, went to Bakersfield to teach school for a couple of years, and then moved on to a teaching job in Big Pine elementary school.

Since she hit Big Pine in 1919, she had been its most steadfast booster. She is truly "Mrs. Big Pine," and the community will never be the same with "Edie" gone. No one in Big Pine will argue with that.

She was deadly in seeking publicity and support for Big Pine. She was a member of Inyo County Sheriff's Posse. She was the real Santa Claus of Big Pine, since she supervised the selection of gifts and goodies, and saw that everything was done for the children. She was Santa's agent, interviewing youngsters, receiving their letters, and lists of gifts wanted Give her enough lead time, and somehow the kids got what they wanted within reason. She had instant contact with the parents. She simply loved children, had none of her own. and at Christmas time she got all the reward one needs in this world... to see joy in the eyes of youngsters.

I personally bought my Big Pine Christmas ribbon from no one but Edie. It was a ritual ...and she would phone to remind me of my duty ... as she did my dues in Big Pine Civic Club. You name it. She wanted and demanded support for Big Pine... in every way

Edie gathered a flock of honors for community service in her day. She was in business more than 53 years in the same town... and everyone loved her... and that has to be some kind of a record in this modern world. We'll all miss Edie a lot.. but it was simply grand to have known her. She reminded me so much of my mother.

Obituary published in the Inyo Register

Funeral services were held Jan. 19 for "Mrs. Big Pine," Edith May Mendenhall, 80, following her death Jan. 15 at Northern Inyo Hospital.

The Rev. Albert C. Howe of Big Pine Community Methodist Church officiated at the services, held at the church. Only a portion of those attending the services were able to get inside the church. Burial was in Big Pine cemetery.

Pallbearers, representing Inyo County Sheriff's Posse, of which she was a member, included Pat Elliott, Rush Kit tle, Jr.; Jerry Hanks, Norman Milleron, JackHutchcraft, Bill Kraiucziunas, and Nyle Hooper.

Mrs. Mendenhall was born Oct. 30, 1885 in Phoenix, Ariz., the daughter of James and Ida Calkins. She was a graduate of Union high school, Phoenix, and the California Normal School that later became USC. In 1916 she took her first school teaching job at a school south of Bakersfield, serving in 1917 and 1918, and going to Big Pine in 1919.

She taught two years in Big Pine elementary school.

She was married to Harry Mendenhall in 1921 and they established their Camera Art Shop, which she had operated ever since. Harry passed away many years ago.

Among survivors are a sister, Margaret Elliott of Newhall; nieces Margaret Archer of Los Osos, CA.Jackie Monzingo of Biloxi, Miss.: Dorothe Edmonson of Valencia, Sarah Welnick of Phoenix, Ariz.; and Martha Snyder of Salt Lake City, Utah; nephews Harry Elliott, Jr. of Texas and Stanley Johnson of San Diego.

She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star, Daughters of the Nile, Inyo Sheriff's Posse, and numerous organizations.

She supported every community project in Big Pine … from Little League to Santa at Christmas time.

She had been named Big Pine's Woman of the Year, and had received a flock of honors that were still being assembled at press time.


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