Stories from the Past
The Big Pine Cemetery District is made up of dedicated members from the town of Big Pine, relying on the united support of the entire community to maintain a dignified, picturesque, and deeply historically significant asset that will continue to be cherished for generations to come.
Would like to contribute a story and photo that relate to those that are memorialized at Crocker or Woodman Cemeteries?

First Veteran Burial at Woodman
The first veteran to be buried in Woodman of the World Cemetery was Hikokichi Suzuki born 1868 who served ten years in the United States Navy.

Where in the World?
Did you ever wonder why Big Pine has two cemeteries? And why is one named Woodman?

First Burial at Woodman
The first burial at the Woodman of the World Cemetery was Giovanni B. Cometti in 1917.
He was a well-known miner. He worked a claim in the Fish Springs area and it produced thousands of dollars in gold.

Longevity in Big Pine
There must be something in the waters of Big Pine or it’s the small-town lifestyle. Over 180 people have reached the comfortable age of 90 or more in Crocker Cemetery!

Mrs. Big Pine
Edie gathered a flock of honors for community service in her day. She was in business more than 53 years in the same town... and everyone loved her... and that has to be some kind of a record in this modern world. We'll all miss Edie a lot.. but it was simply grand to have known her.

Kahl’s Bakery & Much More…
The Kahl family owned and operated numerous businesses in Big Pine. In 1922, they announced the purchase of the Big Pine Bakery. They owned the Texaco Station (1936); the Meats & Grocery store (1939); and a hotel and Drugs & Café shop (1941).

Hospital & Farm Burial Site Dedication
After years of research and documentation, The Big Pine Cemetery District presented the “Inyo County Hospital and Farm Burial Site” to the public.

Civil War Soldier Settles in Big Pine
Immediately following the Civil War, contingents of northern soldiers were sent west. Herman Frederick Uhlmeyer was one of these soldiers.

“Father of the Los Angeles Aqueduct”
Former Mayor of Los Angeles is known as the “father of the Los Angeles Aqueduct,” and built one of the largest poultry farms in the world just outside of Big Pine.